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Aside from Max Brenner, another chocolate paradise that Australians should visit is Lindt Chocolate cafe!

Lindt Chocolate cafe has a wide range of chocolate assortment menus to please their chocoholic customers. Starting from cakes, parfaits, and beverages, Lindt spoils their customers with the chocolate goodness that one could ever wish for!

As usual, I always love to visit cafes when the weather is chilly outside, especially at night. My eyes were fixed to Lindt Chocolate cafe at that particular night as I stroll around Darling Harbour. Without delaying any further, I ordered a hot dark chocolate drink from the counter. Soon after, a waitress came to my table while bringing a tray filled with an empty cup, a small pot of thick chocolate, a small pot of white coloured steamy drink, and a single wrapped chocolate to be eaten seperately from the drinks.

Although I personally prefer Max Brenner's hot dark chocolate drink, Lindt's dark chocolate drink has a certain essence of unforgettable sweetness that wouldn't seem to leave one's mouth! My favourite part when drinking the warming beverage was the white coloured drink ( which I would assume to be steamed milk? )that is to be poured alongside the thick chocolate into the cup. The white coloured drink compliments the sweetness and the thickness of the chocolate, making the drink feels very light in the consumer's mouth. All in all, I was able to re-fill my cups 3 times with the chocolate and white drink provided! In all honesty, I think 3 cups weren't enough to satisfy my thirst for a nice, warm, Lindt chocolate that night!

 I also personally adore Lindt's cafe outdoor interior. It lets the customers to enjoy the cold night breeze while drinking a hot beverage outside. Customers are also able to look at performances and sometimes some fireworks on Saturday night when sitting outside of Lindt cafe! Customer who likes to sit outdoors and who is also a chocoholic HAVE to come to Lindt Chocolate cafe branch in Darling Harbour for a magnificent view especially at night!

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