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QueTo-Korean Restaurant in MQ Shopping Center

QueTo? The first time when I was looking for a place to have my lunch, this store attracted me. Actually, I was attracted by the name of the store........ Just out of curiosity, I went into the store. There was no paper based menu, you could see all the dishes with a specific number on a big board. When you are ready to order, what you do is just tell the number you choose to the server.

  (It's really busy during lunch time, you may not able to find a place to seat, so I suggest you guys come a bit later if you wanna try it )
I ordered number 42 and my friend got number 35, mine was kind of like spicy seafood noodle(with soup), my friend's order was also seafood noodle, but with BBQ sauce. Seafood included prown, squid, octopus and crab stick. Besides seafood, there were also some kinds of vegetables-broccoli, cabbage and some other veges.
(This is the BBQ seafood noodle~)

 (This is number 42, spicy seafood noodle)

 After taking the order, it will take 2 to 5 minutes, then you number will be callled. I tried the spicy seafood noodle, it's pretty good, especially the soup, not very spicy but very tasty. My friend told me that BBQ seafood noodle was kind of sweet, but also very decilious.(Honesly, I don't like sweety food.).

Anyway,I strongly recommend those people who like Korean style food, you won't regret that!!!

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